Website optimization

We’ll design a suitable procedure for website optimization, including the preparation of detailed materials for developers or copywriters. We’ll deal with technical SEO, on-page factors, and optimization of text and other content. We can deploy everything we can straight on the website.

What we can help with

For developers, we’ll prepare a detailed brief of adjustments of technical issues, we’ll advise on how to build high-quality landing pages and how to interconnect them using internal linking. We’ll finetune your metadata and the appearance of the snippets. We can also create quality content or select topics for blog articles.

We carefully double-check all our work and don’t release any duds. We can adjust a number of things on our own in the website administration, and we try to burden the client as little as possible. In short – we’ll do everything we agree on.

Data preparation and optimization

The work volume and the method of implementation always depend on the specific agreement with the client – we can only prepare documents for internal incorporation or directly implement the entire optimization. We don’t create tons of material for sometime later, instead, we always try to get straight to the point.